Investigations on psychological and physiological perception while dreaming. Experiments on photographic techniques to display the Alps. Representations of the risk of earthquakes in Istanbul. Music of young Palestinians living close to the Green Line – all of this and 26 other projects of international talent will be on show at Forecast Forum at HKW this weekend. The goal is to create a room for current challenges and ideas. The three-day program will be a mix of music, films, installations, and presentations alongside talks held by experts from design to science; among them architect Jürgen Mayer H. and photographer Bas Princen. Are you in the mood for inspiration and interesting interdisciplinary input? Then Come, come, come … (Text: Mira Starke / Photo: Mathias Völzke (top), Maxie Fischer (right))
HKW, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee, 10557, Berlin-Tiergarten; map
Fr 28.8.2015 – So 30.8.2015; Facebook event
The opening Friday night is free of charge