I’ve experienced a couple of great nights at the theater at Schaubühne ever since I discovered this institution. But none was as great as my premiere to “For The Disconnected Child” (trailer). Falk Richter is a master of lyrics; coming from the bottom of the heart, they really struck a chord with me. “Geh nicht weg. Bleib. Komm mir nah. Aber nicht zu nah. Sei einfach da.” (“Don’t leave. Stay. Come close. But not too close. Just be here.”) This performance is a project in collaboration with Staatsoper. A beautifully staged collage of drama, music and dance on simple yet complicated themes: longing for more and yearning for closeness. The music includes songs by the Icelandic singer-songwriter Helgi Hrafn Jónsson. There aren’t many plays I’d go watch twice, but I will return to see this again.
Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz, Kurfürstendamm 153, 10709 Berlin-Wilmersdorf; map
Upcoming dates: 13.11, 15.11.,16.11. & 18.11. at 20h
See here for additional information and tickets
Judith Peller works as a franchise manager at Wax & The City and has lived in Prenzlauer Berg for the past four years.