Instead of eating chocolate 24 days in a row during this Advent season, we recommend exploring your city! Anna Ißelburg and Lia Pack have created a project called “Kreuzbergkalender” which is an Advent calendar with 24 samples of local manufactories featuring events; unfortunately the calendar is already sold out but the events including readings, concerts and private yoga lessons are open to the public. Check their Facebook page to see the full schedule. All events take place in Kreuzberg and Neukölln between Moritzplatz and Schillerkiez. The opening party is tomorrow at Sameheads and all proceeds will go to the Berlin project “Kältebus“, a bus for the homeless during the winter. As a special gift, we’ve got one Kreuzbergkalender for you. Email us to mail@ceecee.cc and tell us your favorite spot in Kreuzberg and maybe you’ll be the lucky winner.
Sameheads, Richardstr.10, 12043 Berlin-Neukölln; map
Opening Party, Fri 30.11.12 from 21h, admission 4€ (2€ for calendar owners)
Text: Nina Trippel
Published in Cee Cee #85 on 29.11.2012