Opened by artists Joep van Liefland and Maik Schierloh in 2001 as an independent art space in a former automotive repair shop in Friedrichshain, Autocenter was soon to become one of the most important places beyond Berlin’s established art scene. The exhibitions were usually on display no longer than a weekend. The duo had thus created an institution for artistic experiments that was inextricably linked to the city’s art scene. Both emerging and established artists alike were able to try out new things and reinvent themselves without any commercial pressure. There have been more than 200 vernissages since then, two relocations, numerous lectures, performances and concerts, along with a publication of the history of the space. The final group show will follow in the footsteps of Autocenter’s earliest days. For one weekend only, van Liefland and Schierloh will take over the Power House at the Kindl and present around thirty artists who have never before shown with Autocenter. There, they are planning their very own cosmos. (Text: Laura Storfner / Photos (clockwise): Frederic Spreckelmeyer, Michael White, Nathan Willock)
Kindl – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Am Sudhaus 3, 12053 Berlin-Neukölln; map
Last dance: Autocenter zu Gast im Kindl, opening on Fri 9.3.2018, 18–22h, exhibition 10.+11.3.2018, 12–18h