Picking up a copy of Berlin-based magazine Panta — published by Book a Street Artist, a quick flip through the pages gives views of visuals from photography to illustration, street art to rows of written words — the usual suspects. However, once you investigate further and read the stories that lie folded between the pages, you’ll see that it’s not like other publications. Panta is a tri-annual magazine that covers emerging artists around the globe, providing a specific platform for creative projects that shine light on issues that otherwise might be hard to talk about. For example, their latest issue (#12 Autumn 2017-Winter 2018, which you can pick up Do You Read Me?, Westberlin and Soda) features: a portrait photography book concentrating on the dark reality of visually-impaired children living in an orphanage in Beijing, a painter’s impressively detailed works that reflect the power relations of authoritarian archetypes, and more. Covering a wide variety of artistic disciplines which touch on issues all around the globe, Panta is a magazine for artists, and lovers of art, who aim to make a change in the world. (Text: Massimo Hartmann / Photos: Panta Magazine)