Coffee, coffee, coffee. First, second, third wave. Stop it already. Coffee is overrated. If I meet people for a coffee, the cup is empty two minutes later. Should I then have to go straight back for a second one, or what? The whole “let’s go for coffee” thing is nothing more than an excuse to blab on at agency interns anyway. Even worse are these digital nomads, who spend the whole day sipping a large cappuccino. I’m much fonder tearooms in general, and especially Tee·Salon·Iki. Alright, word games should remain the domain of hairdressers only. In every other regard, this place comes absolutely recommended. In a nutshell: Tea expertise, including extensive consultations on request, and a wide selection of healthy tea ingredients and herbs. This salon is understated and anything but pretentious. The staff are sensationally friendly and extremely well-versed in what helps when against what (mostly tea from the Macedonia region). The house recommendation is Greek mountain tea, which helps to prevent Alzheimer’s, ADHD and other degenerative disorders. The best thing about tea, however, is that it can be replenished with water almost as often as you want (as the frugal laptop cohort knows well.) (Text: Tito Fritzi / Photos: Pamina Aichhorn)
Tee·Salon·Iki, Böckhstr.50, 10967 Berlin-Kreuzberg; map
Tue-Sun 11-19h
Tito Fritzi edits the weekly newsletter Dingsi-Dongsi, a source for all things interesting and entertaining. He lives right next to the tearoom, and that’s worth its weight in gold.