This time around the best Halloween party will undoubtedly be thrown by the I Heart Berlin crew. Taking place at the formal GDR bistro behind Rathaus Mitte that’s been turned into a culture event space, it’s going to be a night for all the broken, abandoned and hollow hearts and for those in search of a new love to fill it. The event starts early with costume and make up workshop (perfect to pull together a last minute outfit). Doors open at 23h to the labyrinthine basement that has been converted into a haunted house by stage designers with scary performances and sound installations. There will be a costume contest, a so-called “porn photo box” and of course the dance of the dead. Party all night long until everyone returns to his coffin… May the sun never come up. (Text: Sven Hausherr)
House of the Haunted Hearts at Naherholung Sternchen, Berolinastr. 7, 10178 Berlin-Mitte; map
Thu 31.10.2013, from 21h Facebook event