Joining fashion forces, this neat concept store at Schlesisches Tor is both the studio and showroom of five unique international designers. When Australian jewelry maker Millicent Nobis (known as Mies Nobis) found the space, she set out to bring the right group of designers together to bring the store to life. Showcased designers include men’s streetwear brand Blank Etiquette, handmade underwear brand Anekdot Boutique (made with upcycled materials), and “luxury streetwear jewelry” by Nathan Thomas, a traditionally-trained goldsmith. The works of several international designers are also regularly brought in, including those of Japanese ceramic artist Cuze Studio, and Columbian swimwear brand Yellow Fever Co. The AA-Collected team takes it in turns to manage the “front of house” and get to know their customers, bringing their craft closer to a curious Kreuzberg clientele. (Text: Victoria Pease)
AA-Collected, Skalitzerstr.77 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg; map
Wed-Sat 12-19h