To get the holiday feeling on Paul-Lincke-Ufer, you don’t have to lay in the sand by the Landwehr canal bowling alley and wave at the boats passing by. It’s enough to grab a French bite at La Maison and indulge in the artistic specialties of the land of joie de vivre. Here, there are strawberries on the bottom of the cakes, the brioche is covered with cheese, and the rhubarb is served on small tarts. The dark concrete slabs throughout the space serve as works of art in themselves. Once you take a seat in one of the dark wooden chairs, all carefully sourced from flea markets in France, you’ll already feel far away from the noise of the nearby construction. Anyone who wants to savor a little feeling of France simply has to tuck into a fresh croissant, dip it into a little coffee and soak up the sun. (Text: Charlotte Hölter / Photos: Johanna Rademacher–Flesland)
Charlotte Hölter lives and loves beauty. Between sundresses, tomatoes and bare concrete, finding warm words is not only her passion but also her profession.
La Maison, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 17, 10999 Berlin–Kreuzberg; map
Thur–Mon 7–18h