June is the time when everything feels brand-new. And, accordingly, the HKW – the Haus der Kulturen der Welt – celebrates its reopening (02.-04.06.2023) with “Acts of Opening again” (just in time for the turn of the year of the Yoruba calendar). The new artistic director and chief curator, Prof. Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, former founder and artistic director of Savvy Contemporary, will give the opening address to launch the weekend and the new exhibition “O Quilombismo”. Although the term “exhibition” probably doesn’t do the project justice at all. “Of Resisting and Insisting. Of Flight as Fight. Of Other Democratic Egalitarian Political Philosophies” is the subtitle of the event/s, which in addition to the group show also includes a publication, a research project, workshops and performances. Here’s what’s shaping up for the weekend: Performances of all kinds! Participatory, sound-based and installation-based – there will be cooking, concerts and DJ sets. There will be guided tours of the exhibition, screenings, keynotes, book launches, children’s disco and walks. Visitors are invited to participate in all kinds of programs. Literally. Admission is free for the entire weekend (however, due to capacity constraints, advance registration is requested). In addition, visitors are encouraged to contribute to a joint show with creative gestures from all genres. Everything is new in June. The preview of everything that will germinate, grow and blossom in the new HKW tastes fresh, big, open and very worldly.
Text: Hilka Dirks / Photos: Roque Boa Marte, Heather Mull / Credit: Carol Barreto, Vanessa German & Diana Ejaita
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin–Tiergarten; map
Opening 02.06.2023 beginning at 16h. Admission is free the entire weekend.