For the past 30 years, Germany has been losing a social housing unit every six minutes. And nowadays, it’s not just in cities like Hamburg, Frankfurt and Munich that the real estate market is like heating up. Even in Berlin, where a month’s rent used to cost less than a weekend at a party, the search for affordable housing has become an existential everyday issue. Here, more than 70 percent of the social housing built between 1950 and 1990 is no longer available as such – it is either falling out of social ownership or being transferred to private ownership. Starting today, the architects at Zanderrothwill illustrate ways out of this shortage at the Architektur Galerie Berlin in Friedrichshain. Their project “pionier” presents ideas for the social housing of the future on the basis of 10 exemplary properties: architecturally sophisticated, sustainable and affordable.
Zanderroth traces the urban development of recent years based on extensive research and shows where policymakers need to invest more in the future. If Berlin wants to retain its status as a cosmopolitan city that is equally open to all, something has to change. And quickly, because otherwise those who make up Berlin’s diversity and creativity will sooner or later lose their livelihood. The exhibition is a call to look and act. After all, this issue affects every one of us.
Text: Laura Storfner / Photos: Siyu Mao, Team Mao for Zanderroth, Berlin
Architektur Galerie Berlin, Karl–Marx–Allee 96, 10243 Berlin–Friedrichshain; map
pionier – Sozialen Wohnungsbau neu denken 26.05.–08.07.2023 Di–Fr 14–19h & Sa 12–18h. Opening: 25.05.2023 19h
Talk with Sascha Zander, Christian Roth and others, moderated by Jan Friedrich (Bauwelt): 06.07.2023 19h