Seasonal bucket lists are something I can shamelessly admit I adhere to, subconsciously to some degree. As soon as I spot a leaf floating to the floor, I’m off to find my wooly hats and autumnal-colored bits and bobs to hunt for the perfect carving pumpkin, find a new fall activity, or feel a sudden urge to make soups and bake cakes. I wholeheartedly believe a decent October cannot be had without a good old scare, which brings us to Nightcrawlers, an immersive scare experience, and a love letter to monstrosity and horror. Berlin’s only queer Haunt blending classic walk-through haunts, “elevated horror” and experiential storytelling in one of Berlin’s most iconic locations, Alte Münze. You can visit the 360-immersive walk through for three nights only in various different evening time slots (28-31.10.2023). Expect to be chased, taunted and most definitely spooked as you make your way around the old coin factory. It is rather large so wear comfortable shoes and don’t touch the nightcrawlers or you might end up losing a finger or two…
Text: Kate Foran / Fotos: Lukas Dolgner
Alte Münze, Am Molkenmarkt 2, Berlin–Mitte; map
Nightcrawlers 28–31.10.2023