Just you, a cup of tea and the printed page – books can be a lonely business, can’t they? But reader, it doesn’t have to be this way, because Berlin’s literature community has two gatherings lined up that will have you starting a fresh, people-filled chapter. First up is the British Council Literature Seminar (16–18.03.2023) which starts tonight with a special event with author Bernardine Evaristo at Oyoun. You can join the 2019 Booker Prize winner in conversation with literary agent Sharmaine Lovegrove, where the topic will be class and contemporary writing in the UK. The program continues tomorrow with a reading and discussion with British/Irish writer Kit De Waal. Now fast forward to next Friday and the Leseclubfestival (24.03), a lit meetup that combines 33 book club-style events across 10 German cities.
The festival works as follows: you pick a book that appeals and buy a €27 ticket which includes a copy of the book sent to your address, entry to the event with the author and a drink. For its Berlin events, the festival has partnered up with youth literature collective Kabeljau und Dorsch, who will be moderating conversations between readers and authors. Austrian writer Tonio Schachinger will be leading discussion about his book “Echtzeitalter” at Palermo Bar in Neukölln, while nearby at Wolf Kino 29-year-old author Cecilia Joyce Röski will be chatting about her debut novel “Poussi”. Incidentally, Kabeljau und Dorsch also host regular book-based events of their own, so be assured: you’ll never read alone.
Text: Benji Haughton / Photos: Jennie Scott, Jelena Ilić & Anna Breit
British Council Literature Seminar (16–18.03.2023) – tickets for the events with Bernardine Evaristo (16.03 19h30) and Kit De Waal (17.03 19h30) can be bought online.
Leseclubfestival (23–25.03 across Germany) – tickets for the events with Tonio Schachinger and Cecilia Joyce Röski(both 24.03 19h30) can be bought online.