Reflections on textiles and fabric – both as a material and as a means of communication – connect the partly new works by nine artists currently on show at the Haverkampf Leistenschneider gallery in Charlottenburg. Works by Rosemarie Trockel from the 1990s negotiate the interplay between handicraft and feminist art discourse as well as the idea of the rhizome (which is an underground plant stem but, in a figurative sense, a network). American artist Ellen Lesperance, inspired by the weaving workshop at the Bauhaus school, explores the political dimension of knitting patterns in her painting. Peter Frederiksen meanwhile translates comic aesthetics from Looney Tunes into embroidery, while Anna Virnich’s large-format wall works are made from tulle netting, satin and cotton that are reminiscent of color field painting. Next Wednesday (06.07.2022) the exhibition will be extended with a special guest appearance: for the first time, fashion designer Vladimir Karaleev will present individual pieces from his exclusive “Capsule Collection”, for which fabric remnants from his productions were used. The result: a kind of fashion collage.
Text: Laura Storfner / Credit: courtesy Haverkampf Leistenschneider, Berlin / Photos: Jens Ziehe
Haverkampf Leistenschneider, Mommsenstr.67, 10629 Berlin–Charlottenburg; map
TEXT-ile, until 20.08.2022 (summer break: 11.07–07.08), Wed–Fri 11–18h, Sat 11–16h. Presentation by Vladimir Karaleev on the exhibition, Wed 06.07.2022, 11–18h