Neither fox, nor wolf, nor hound, Koyote restaurant at Admiralbrücke truly separates itself from the pack. And with culinary influences taken from South American, German, and French cuisines, it’s not surprising that this little gem falls into a category of its own. The occasionally-changing menu features highlights such as cod ceviche, packing a punch with lime, chili, sweet potato puree, and pomegranate. Try the white tiger shrimp with aioli dip, the deconstructed “Koyote-style” steak tartar speckled with crispy anchovies and peppercorns, and smothered ribs paired with spicy coleslaw. Service is warm and cordial, and homemade bread sets a good foundation for the list of excellent wines available. Who said fine dining requires a hefty price tag? All dishes, both starters and mains, are available in both small and main portions. Sample away – this spot has countless culinary delights, taking your taste buds around the world.
Koyote, Admiralstr.20, 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg; map
Tue-Sat 8-24h, Sun 8-19h
Victoria Pease is an Editor at Gestalten and has contributed to various travel and food-focused publications. She has been living in Kreuzberg for the past year.