At the close of each summer, the bustling art scene around Potsdamer Strasse comes to life. This year, the Google Pixel pop-up space “Kiosque Pixel” has found its temporary home amid this inspiring hub. Just around the corner from Andreas Murkudis, Esther Schipper and the other high-end galleries of the Mercator Höfe, number 98 will host Julian Klincewicz‘s exhibition “Encyclopedia of Now” from 12.–15.09. 2024. It’s hard to believe, but the entire exhibition was shot using the new Google Pixel 9 Pro. Born in 1995, the multi-talented American photographer captures the fascination of human life in all its fleeting moments, rendered in unforgettable colors. The result is a collection of contemporary images, deeply rooted in social structure and complex aesthetics. We were so impressed by Julian’s art and the accompanying photo book that we teamed up with Google Pixel to do what we do best: share the best neighborhood recommendations for eating, drinking, viewing, dancing, and, of course, photographing. The result is the Google Pixel x Cee Cee Art Map.
Discover curated gallery routes and hidden gems around the pop-up gallery “Kiosque Pixel” — perfect for any time of day. Whether it’s coffee and a sweet treat on the go, lunch and aperitifs in the midday sun, or drinks, dinner and dancing, it’s all about art. And we’ve thought of everything, from contemporary art highlights and trendy social hotspots to charming cafés and relaxing parks. At the same time, Kiosque Pixel invites you to engage in talks and creative workshops where we’ll even teach you how to take the perfect snapshots with the Pixel. Every morning, the first 100 visitors will receive Julian’s fantastic photo book “Encyclopedia of Now” as a gift, along with coffee and pastries from Acid Café. How could it get any better? You can also find our Art Map on-site and at 30 other spots in the city, such as Rocket + Basil, Gragger and Green Door. Hurry and capture special moments before the magic fades and Potsdamer Strasse returns to everyday life.
Text: Alina Herbel / Photos: Julian Klincewicz, Sophie Doering / Credit: Google Pixel
Kiosque Pixel, Potsdamer Str.98, 10785 Berlin–Tiergarten, map