Do-it-yourself culture has long been part of Berlin’s social fabric. An ongoing exhibition at the Bröhan Museum gets up close with this topic, shining a light on DIY artists that excelled throughout the twentieth century. During this time, a desire for the hand-crafted, self-made was brought to life as a backlash against passive consumerism and globalization. In 100 works, the exhibition looks at the do-it-yourself movement through the lenses of architecture and craft, with design objects and furnishings. Alongside the exhibition, a workshop hosted by Berlin designer Johannes Kunz takes place every Sunday, where you can put your DIY-knack to use and create objects that will shape the ongoing exhibition. (Text: Victoria Pease)
Bröhan Museum, Schlossstr.1a, 14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg; map
Catch the exhibition until 29.1.2017, Tue-Sun 10-18h