Opinions vary on the topic of mineral water. There are the apologists drinking tap water and there are the spokesmen for organic water. Me, I think if you’ve enjoyed a really good tasting mineral water for a while, why go back to the ordinary? Even better if it’s a regional one. Personally I’ve acquired a taste for the Rheinsberger Preussenquelle water, since it tastes incredibly soft and is such a pleasure to drink. This water has been bottled since 2007 and is low in sodium as well as nitrate and runs through the deep rock layers. You’ve probably seen it at many Berlin restaurants such as Pauly Saal. For your everyday use you can order the 5 liter boxes online or simply pick them up at a local beverage dealer.
Text: Nina Trippel
Published in Cee Cee #58 on 24.5.2012