Discover the other side of the world at Down Under Berlin. Comprised of over 40 films — including blockbusters, documentary, independent, and student film — the festival provides an insight into life in Australia and New Zealand. Subtitled “Paradise Unknown,” it seeks to draw out themes of aging, dying, and everyday survival. The oldest independent cinema in Berlin, Moviemento, will host the event from Wednesday (16.9.2015) onwards. A couple to watch out for are “The Dead Lands,” which was New Zealand’s foreign language entry to the Oscars, and “Elixr,” a film that plays on the premise: “What if the Surrealists were living today in Berlin?” Start marking the calendar, there’s plenty to see. (Text: Ben Barlow / Photos: (top left) Kristina Niemann)
Moviemento, Kottbusser Damm 22, 10967 Berlin-Kreuzberg; map
Until 20.9.15; Programm