Daniel Defoe’s “Robinson Crusoe” interpreted into a floral arrangement? Camille Henrot, the Silver Lion winner at last year’s Venice Biennale, knows how this can be done. The French artist has transformed her entire library into a flower garden consisting of Ikebana sculptures. On Friday night, the Schinkel Pavilion’s vitreous octagon will turn into a greenhouse. Henrot combines delicate bouquets with everyday objects, such as rubber hoses and network cables. With e-books on the rise, this approach also leads to the question: are bookshelves becoming obsolete? Have they now become a place to display decorative objects? The film project “The Strife of Love in A Dream” accompanies the flower series – the screening will be held at the former Schinkel-Klause in the basement, open exclusively on this occasion. (Text: Laura Storfner / photos: Camille Henrot & kamel mennour, Paris)
Schinkel Pavillon, Oberwallstr.1, Berlin-Mitte; map
“Snake Grass” by Camille Henrot
Opening: 4.4.2014, 19h, Facebook event
Exhibition until 11.5.2014