How many books do you read a year? Is it one or two, consumed at pace while on holiday? Or are you one of those who loves to start books that you never end up finishing? To be sure: unless you are doing a full digital detox, you are probably some way off completing an entire 300-pager every single week. But your book goals need not be a lost cause – particularly if you surround yourself with fellow readers to inspire and motivate. Berlin-founded reading app and website Literal is just such a space. It’s a kind of giant online book club – or rather multiple book clubs, since you can join lots of different groups based on genre or topic (“Cookbooks and Food Writing”, “Thriller Time”). As with sites like Goodreads, Literal lets you set reading goals, add the book(s) you are reading now, create reading lists, and review titles you have finished. Launched in 2021 by committed page turners Piet, Mihai and Sven, the platform is unique in its focus on community, linking you to other readers and letting you see what books your IRL friends (and their friends) are into. There’s also a quotes feature, letting you share favorite book passages with your followers. If you are looking to swap bestseller lists for personal recommendations and under-the-radar reads, this might just be your next online hangout. Speaking of recommendations: we have created our own Cee Cee account on Literal featuring our favorite books from the past year (we’ll be adding more over time). Check out our selection here and start ticking off your to-read list. Oh, and don’t forget to follow us!
Text: Benji Haughton / Photos: Cottonbro & Anna Shvets