Still want more after the Juergen Teller opening at Contemporary Fine Arts? Then head to the Haus am Waldsee. There, an Alicja Kwade exhibition with the telling title Monolog aus dem 11. Stock (Monologue from the 11th Floor) will open at 19.30. The young sculptor is known for addressing scientific, philosophical, and religious issues in her work while at the same time drawing on everyday objects like lamps, mirrors, and clocks. She’s also been known to pulverize a half a ton of champagne bottles in order to form a sparkling little heap from the powder, and to collect stones, cut them into diamond shapes, then install them in an exhibition space. Her solo show at the Haus am Waldsee is, as always, about parallel worlds – let’s see if black and white desk lamps will mirror themselves again next week. (Text: Anika Meier / Photo: (below left, top right) Roman März, (below right) Gion Pfander)
Haus am Waldsee, Argentinische Allee 30, 14163 Berlin-Zehlendorf; map
Opening 18.9.2015, 19.30
Tue-Sun 11-18; Exhibition: 19.9.-22.11.2015