If your usual work out has become a little too familiar, and you’re looking for something more exciting to balance the hectic city life, Joon Do weekly exercise classes might be exactly what you’re looking for. Since December 2014, Benjamin Joon has been teaching his eclectic training method, which combines martial arts, self defense, and meditation exercises. When I went to my first training session at the rather unpretentious studio in the heart of Bergmannkiez, I was mainly interested in improving my street cred. After a few weeks, however, it became obvious that the training had more to offer than teaching me how to defend myself in threatening situations. The combination of exercises is precisely aimed at exploring and enhancing mobility, whilst at the same time increasing flexibility and strength. Working in small groups or in pairs trains your reactions, coordination and balance. Every training session ends with a short meditation exercise to refocus, and to increase your sense of enjoyment. Having practiced Joon Doo for a couple of weeks now, I can say that it has redefined the way I value an effective and intelligent workout. I can recommend it to anyone who is striving to move through life centered, grounded, empowered, and confident! (Text: Simone Donecker / Photo: Lilli Breininger)
Fitnesscenter ATB, Tempelhofer Berg 6 (3. Stock), 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg; map
Check the Facebook page for the weekly schedule
Simone Donecker has lived in Berlin-Wilmersdorf since 2001. After studying art history, she now works as cultural manager at an American research and cultural institution.