Planning a team trip or getaway with friends and don’t know where to go? Or indeed how to coordinate it all? For solutions, the online platform Dream Localis worth taking a look at. From the unusual “cow whispering”, where you learn to herd friendly bovines as a team, to flower picking and winemaking tours, there’s plenty on offer. The activities and events can be tailored to your needs and are all about bringing people together. One way to do this, of course, is food, something you’ll certainly find at the local dinner experience. Cooked sustainably, the menu includes vegetarian dishes and tips and tricks from the chef on how to minimize packaging and food waste. If you’re in the mood for some fresh air and a farm (of sorts), then the morning at the flower farm is the thing for you. You and your companions can create freshly-picked bouquets and learn some floriculture along the way: which plants are native to the region? Which flowers are available in which season? And what are sustainable cultivation techniques and harvesting all about? There’s also a chance to rest and relax: the flower field is located in a very idyllic, quiet cemetery in Pankow in the immediate vicinity of the Botanical Park. Plenty of space to stretch your legs with colleagues and talk about what you’ve learned, or to go for a quiet walk by yourself.
Text: Sophie Doering / Photos: Dream Local, Cottonbro & Laura François
Dream Local – you can find more information about the team events online.
If you want to try out some of the other activities on your own, use the following code for 40 percent off: AutumnCeeCee.