What do you actually know about Finland? Let alone Finnish art. “Teaser” is currently offering insight into the Nordic state of being. The exhibition by Showroom Helsinki at Salon Dahlmann is presenting works by four Finnish artists. Aurora Reinhard and Jani Leinonen, two of them, have transformed their thoughts into eye-catching objects and tableaux. We learn that in sparsely inhabited Scandinavia, much like here, life is pretty much about dealing with pop culture, consumerism and gender questions. (Text: Nina Trippel / Photos:*)
Salon Dahlmann, Marburger Str.3D, 10789 Berlin-Charlottenburg; map
Wed-Fri 15-18h, Sat & Sun 12-16h
Text: Nina Trippel / Fotos: Courtesy Showroom Helsinki; left & right: Vilhelm Sjöström; bottom: Ace productions
artworks clockwise: Aurora Reinhard, Jani Leinonen, Mari Keto
Published in Cee Cee #94 on 24.1.2013