When it comes to castles, you can’t miss Neuhardenberg Castle in the municipality of the same name in Brandenburg. If you go by car through the entrance gate, you will overlook the long pond, in which several shimmering orange or black spotted koi swim. After a two-minute walk, past the pond and the hotel, you can glimpse Neuhardenberg Castle. The neoclassical elements of the building guide your eye to the filigree inscription “Gratia Regis” (Thanks to the King) above the entrance. It’s a small leap into the past, indicating that the palace served as a gift from Prussian King Frederick William III to his state chancellor, Karl August von Hardenberg, in gratitude for his service. For a small admission fee, you can learn more about the history and heritage of the castle in the permanent exhibition. The palace parterre is open to the public on Sundays. In addition, there are regular events in the light-flooded Orangerie, in the Great Hall and in the Schinkel Church, as well as exhibitions. Just in time, you can stop by the free exhibition “Along the Oder” (until 29.10.2023). There, 14 students of the Ostkreuz School of Photography show in the Great Hall, in the small Orangerie and in the hotel foyer in 13 picture series the most diverse snapshots that the Oder region has to offer.

Starting with the documentation of shimmering pieces of tin in the flowing water to the everyday life of Ukrainian youths who have fled. In a free guided tour on 29.10. (16h), the photographers will talk about their work and their multifaceted experiences in the Oder region.Parallel to this, the exhibition “A glimpse of time – photographic portraits of old age and ageing” will run with works by Helga Paris, Cindy Sherman and Larry Sultan, among others. From the 1910s to the present, the exhibition presents international positions in photography using the example of the portrait. And if you want to do something good not only for your eyes but also for your ears during your visit, then you should definitely drop by – or rather listen to – the “Jeff Lorber Fusion Trio: Space-Time” concert (05.11.2023). If you want to stay longer than just one day at the castle complex, you can pause at Hotel Schloss Neuhardenberg and enjoy a fantastic view from the terrace of the adjacent castle park, designed in the English style with Peter Joseph Lenné’s assistance, over breakfast. Whether you attend an open-air concert, art exhibitions, lectures, performances, or just come to see the castle, it’s worth it!

Text: Mary Linh Tran / Photos: Simon Häuser & Fotokraftwerk

Schloss Neuhardenberg, Schinkelplatz 1-8, 15320 Neuhardenberg, map

Castle visits from April to October Sun 11–18h. Tickets for the “Jeff Lorber Fusion Trio: Space–Time” concert are available here.

