If you’d like to lay by the pool once again before summer is officially over, save this date: 10.9.2015 and pay a visit to Haubentaucher. The soundtrack will be provided by smart and JBL who are presenting the event series City of Sound. The automobile and the audio brand have teamed up offering the smart fortwo and smart forfour cars with a sound system by JBL. A band contest will be the evening entertainment including a ticket raffle for Lollapalooza festival. You’ll get the chance too, to learn how to DJ in a workshop and later on a pro will take over the turntables: Claptone will get you out of the pool and onto the dance floor. If you need to get into the groove before that day, email us to win@ceecee.cc – the five first entries will be rewarded with two tickets each for a showcase at Flux FM’s home base featuring Acts Le Very, Noah Slee & The King Stones. (Text: Massimo Hartmann / Foto: Ariya Behjat (top) Haubentaucher (bottom))
Haubentaucher, Revaler Str.99, 10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain; map
Thu 10.9.2015, 15-1h; Facebook event