Last Saturday, when a convoy of limousines pulled up at the Osram courtyard and a group of well-dressed people headed for gate 9, the gym-goers at McFit seemed a bit puzzled. Set in a former industrial loft, Heiner Wemhöner, the Westphalian art collector and entrepreneur, is temporarily presenting a small part of his art collection. Boasting over 1,900 square meters of exhibition space, they could have easily shown a much larger portion of his collection. However curator Philip Bollmann consciously decided on a reduced presentation, without sacrificing any of the big names. Over 30 great works by international artists are on display; among them pieces by Marina Abramović, Tony Cragg, Alfredo Jaar, and Erwin Wurm’s miniature Putin and Obama meeting Calvin and Hobbes by Joseph Kosuth, as well as Isaac Julien’s new video “Play Time” in which James Franco plays an art consultant. (Text: Laura Storfner / photos: def image (top & buttom), piece by Asta Gröting, Courtesy: carlier | gebauer, Berlin (left))
Sammlung Wemhöner at the Osram Höfe, Oudenarder Str.16-20, Building A, Gate 9, 3rd Floor, 13347 Berlin-Wedding; map
Exhibition until 18.5., Thu-Sun 13-18h; entrance free of charge