Yes, serious art has reached Neukölln and “Staatsgalerie Neukölln” is the evidence. It’s a little smaller than what one might expect from the name, but we all know that size doesn’t matter… If you still haven’t explored this district’s up-and-coming art scene, well now is the time! The gallery is hosting the opening of Finnish-born Berlin-based artist Olli Piippo tonight. The exhibition by the UdK graduate “Hello/Follow”, open to the public, is conveniently located at the subway station Hermannplatz, displaying several paintings from a series called “Huhu”. NT (photos right side: Phil Dera)
U-Bahnhof Hermannplatz, Schauvitrine, entrance Sonnenallee; map
Opening: Thu 27.9.2012, 18h, exhibition ends: 27.10.2012
Text: Nina Trippel
Published in Cee Cee #76 on 27.9.2012