The founders of Heit, Marius Glauer and Carolin and Gernot Seeliger, are poised to deliver an apt work for this special weekend. At their gallery, a sound installation will interrupt the usual monotony of material art. Created in collaboration with video artist Linus Dutz, it is a show we are awaiting with excitement and a touch of restlessness. The Heit team wasn’t giving anything away when we inquired into the concept, leaving us in joyful suspense as the clock ticks towards the opening. Part of the reason for our impatience is Heit’s space. Originally a coal factory, then a place where soldiers met for a drink during World War II, later it became an archaeologist’s dig site. The nineties saw a techno bar take up residence, and, finally, an S&M club. Today the founders present their own work on a regular basis, often extending an invitation to young artists. If one thing is certain, this vault is the perfect venue for a sound installation. We remain curious. (Text: Amelie gr. Darrelmann / photo: Courtesy Heit)
Heit, Eichendorffstr.5, Berlin-Mitte; map
Opening: Fri 1.5.2015 18-21h
Exhibition: until 30.5.2015