“Architecture for all!” is this year’s theme for the Tag der Architektur (Day of Architecture). On the last weekend of June, leading architects and landscape architects with exciting new projects such as private homes, public buildings and parks will open their offices to the public and answer questions. Many of the projects are otherwise inaccessible, but on the Tag der Architektur, whoever wants to have a peek can get an idea of the current architectural scene in Berlin by attending a series of guided tours, lectures, exhibitions and office parties. We’ve already chosen our favorites: we’ll take a look at the Plattenpllast by Carsten Wiewiorra, let the specialists of Zanderrotharchitekten lead us through one of the first and largest building assemblies of Berlin’s Big Yard, and enjoy the view of the new Paragon Apartments by Graft. We’ll wind down the evening with a cool drink with our friends and neighbors at the Kinzo offices, and can’t wait to explore everything! You can find the whole program here, where there is a lot more to discover. (Text: Milena Kalojanov / Photos: (top, left) Simon Menges, (bottom) Graft Gmbh)