Hot off the press comes Rom, a sleek new magazine established to take a critical look at the forces shaping, clouding and propelling forward global digital society today. Founded by artist and writer Khesrau Behroz and graphic designers Max Kuwertz and Sascha Bente, the 164 page-long first issue (in German) zooms in on topics like fear of content, housekeeping in the age of smart homes and cryptoraves. Each feature is pleasure to ponder over, thanks to the striking photography and art direction. Get your hands on a copy at this Friday’s (22.6.2018) launch party, hosted at ZweiDrei Raum. Bring your friends and get set to start the weekend on a thought-provoking note. (Text: Anna Dorothea Ker / Gif: Rom)
Rom Magazine: Website, Instagram, Facebook
ZweiDrei Raum, Gitschiner Str.20, 10969 Berlin-Kreuzberg; map
Rom launch party, 22.6.2018, from 19h, Facebook event